The National Jockeys Trust


The National Jockeys Trust: supporting our elite atheletes

Dedication and bravery are prerequisites of almost every sport, and these qualities are found in abundance in racing.

Australian jockeys are elite athletes who place their lives on the line every time they compete in a race.

Sadly, serious injuries are a frequent occurrence, and more than 800 riders have lost their lives since Australian racing first began.

While accident insurance has become an essential feature of racing, all too often there are cases where jockeys and/or their families are plunged into financial hardship.

Since 2004, the National Jockeys has provided over $4.3 million in assistance to more than 430 jockeys and the families of jockeys that have been lost.


  • Sadly, 882 Australian jockeys have been killed in race falls since 1847
  • More than 200 riders are injured each year on Australian racetracks
  • 500 race falls annually
  • 89% of jockeys will have a fall that requires medical assistance during their career
  • 9% of jockeys have fallen more than 20 times during their careers
  • Each year, 40% of jockeys will have a fall that will prevent them from riding for 5 weeks or more
  • 5% of these falls are considered “career-ending”.
  • 50% of Australian jockeys earn less than $60,000 per year (before expenses)
  • It is estimated that in the next 10 years, there will be 12 jockey fatalities and around 50 jockeys will suffer career ending injuries that will include cases of paraplegia, quadriplegia and brain injury.


National Jockeys Trust aims to relieve this financial hardship and provide these families with the support, kindness and recognition that they deserve.

From quality jockey merchandise to functions and events (including Attwood Marshall Lawyers Caulfield Cup Raceday), the Trust is constantly searching for ways to raise these much needed funds and provide meaningful assistance.


Shaun Organ story

Shaun Organ was a jockey who suffered a fall during a race ride in June 1996 at Casterton, Victoria. His injuries were extensive and included a blood clot on the brain and a related stroke which has left him restricted on his left side and short term memory loss. His career was cut dramatically short.

Shaun finds that he is unable to live a normal life as he tires easily and suffers sever headaches that can sometimes last the entire day. Due to his brain inuries he finds it hard to communicate with those around him which is extremely frustrating and exhausting.

Shaun and his wife Kristy have four children and the NJT have been able to provide them with emotional and financial support.


Please help families like Shaun’s by donating to National Jockeys Trust

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